Parent Resources

Neighbor 4 Neighbor 505 East 36th St North Tulsa, OK 74106
Family Assistance/ Emergency Assistance
Provides bus tokens, utility bills assistance, work boots & uniforms, and other basic services. Fundamental budgeting advice, job listings and referrals are also available. We also offer a variety of individual services based on client’s unique needs.
Legal Clinic
Serves our clients by drafting legal documents which help families and children with emergency needs as well as providing relief for clients oppressed by deceptive financial schemes.
Life Skills
Provides life skills classes and individual coaching. Classes address issues such as nutrition, cooking, budgeting, business etiquette, addiction, anger management and productive communication. Special classes have been added to help prevent medical problems or deal with current community issues. Interview, Work clothes and Job listings are also provided and discussed.
Free Clinic
Provides acute and systemic care that patients would not be able to receive otherwise.
NFN also partnered with OU to develop the OU Medical Clinic next door.
Dental Clinic
Provides acute and restorative services. NFN provides emergency extractions, restorative services, oral surgery, dentures, cleanings and children’s dental. An emphasis is placed on dental education.
Optical Clinic
Provides eye exams, eye glasses for adults and children. NFN also provides referrals for substantial eye issues when required.
Circle Housing Program
A basic program that provides home ownership for low income families and home repairs for the elderly or disabled that own their own home.
Provides prescription screening and prescriptions. NFN provides prescriptions from our shelves and vouchers for outside purchases. NFN also works with pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers that often provide free medications. NFN does not assist with narcotics, psychiatric drugs or select expensive medications.
Food Pantry
Supplements monthly food supply for low-income or disadvantaged families, with an emphasis on healthy foods. The Pantry is a store type setting where clients can pick what they need for their individual family. NFN continues to stand in the gap for many people who don’t have access to adequate food for their family. NFN also offers nutrition education in its Life Skills Program.
Community Projects
Distributes books, clothing and household items. There is a
Community Children’s Holiday Party offered each December with family entertainment and portraits plus gifts for the children.
Web Address:
Telephone number: 1-918-425-5578

Web Address:
Parent Tips for warning signs of Teen Drug and Alcohol abuse provided by Okmulgee Elks Lodge:
is a community-based, nonprofit, social service agency formed to develop, organize and administer programs that aid families in Okmulgee, Creek and Okfuskee Counties and Creek Nation tribal members throughout the Tribal Service Area. We are dedicated to providing services for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault and to abused and neglected children in the juvenile court system.
CASA Safehouse Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Domestic Violence: Safety Plan Guidelines These safety suggestions have been compiled from safety
The mission of the Okmulgee County Safehouse –
to provide crisis intervention services and a safe haven for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault
Nearly 3000 children are in foster care on any given day in Oklahoma. These children are victims of the most severe forms of abuse or neglect
Okmulgee County Family Resource
Veteran’s Resources